
At age 24 I have experienced working with two major fashion houses, Prada and Fendi  – both jobs were very hard to seek and to keep. I also worked for State Farm three times, Bank of America twice, Williow Branch Library twice, Clark Atlanta University, Baker Shoes, Circle K, Pottery Barns kids, Kangaroo, Omni Insurance, Macy’s, Cole Hann and the list goes on. Let’s just say I broadened my horizon lol. Of course I’ve been jobless countless times as well.

Since my first job ever was as a Librarian Assistant at age 14 and to this present day, people have always told me,  “You know how to find a job.” I wasn’t certain of that, and I surely didn’t consider it a skill.

My first job in the business sector set the tone. I was accepted in a very competitive program, Mayor’s Summer Job. I remember the process: no resume, no cover letter, nor reference sheet. Just two intense interviews (palms sweating nervous). It was not only my first time being introduced to the workforce, but it was Corporate America. The first week was dedicated to learning how to build a resume and cover letter, and instructions on how to conduct yourself during an interview.

While I did not initially consider the ability to find jobs as a skill, I recognized that many struggled on a seemingly hopeless quest for jobs, even after they had taken several necessary steps. Now I am here to help.


This career website is intended to help job seekers who desire to have a career in the Fashion Industry by providing sources for jobs, internships, networking events, as well as training and developmental programs. Students as young as 15 can retain information about work opportunities.

As I find helpful job boards, articles, books, or even career fairs I will share it with you, future employees. I hope the information I provide will help you start a new advantageous chapter of your life. If you find the information helpful share it with others. (Don’t be afraid of competition: “What’s meant for you will be for you. We’re all in this {LIFE} together”.)


Equal career opportunities, human rights and fair pay in the workforce.


I am especially thankful to God for never allowing me to be senseless to what’s happening in the world, allowing me to dream big, providing me a friend (Sahar) to ensure I dream big but start small to build the big dream. I am also grateful for my little brother for being such an awesome young man, striving to be the best MAN to provide for himself, and subconsciously reminding me while he searches for a job without giving up, that society must create more jobs for teens. Lastly, I appreciate my mother for feeding my imagination, allowing me to live out my dreams, even when I’m unsure of what I’m dreaming, cheering me on even when I fail. Thank you God, mother, brother Johnny, and Sahar!

Let’s get to the good stuff. . .

According to the Census of 2015, the United States of America population was estimated at 321,334,396. Bureau of Labor states 5.3% is the unemployment rate updated June 2015. There is estimated to be around 247,427,484 adults in the United States of America (age 18 and over). Now if my calculation is correct the number of unemployed 13,113,656.

As of  June 2015 ages 20-24,  9.9% is the unemployment rate.

Vogue-UK covered a story discussing United Colors of Benetton arguing that the “New Generation” is “Hated” in the workforce. In 2012 the Unhate campaign by Benetton featured millions of unemployed youth ages 18-30 who want to work but cannot find jobs. (United Colors of Benetton thanks for covering this story. We’re fighting against the same war). #UNHATE

Wall Street Journal- Asia: In South Korea during December 2014 unemployment was 3.4%, while South Korea’s youth unemployment rate was 9%. The youth unemployment rate is a global issue that CEO’s must commit to solving.

Besides the high youth unemployment rate. African- Americans are leading the unemployment rate at 10.4% compared to whites 4.7% Hispanics 6.6% and Asians 4.0%. Last year 23.7% percent of those who were black and unemployed attended some college. 15.4% had bachelor degrees and 4.5% had advance degrees, which means 19.9% out of 23.7% had degrees and only 3.8% did not have degrees.

“U.S. and World Population Clock.” Census.Gov. Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, Web. 20 May 2015. Retrieved from

“Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject.” BLS.Gov. Bureau of  Labor Statistic, U.S. Department of Labor, 31 May. 2015. Web. 31 May 2015. Retrieved from

“Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey.” BLS.Gov. Bureau of  Labor Statistic, U.S. Department of Labor, 05 May. 2015. Web. 27 May 2015. Retrieved from

“Economic.” BLS.Gov. Bureau of  Labor Statistic, U.S. Department of Labor, 05 May. 2015. Web. 27 May 2015. Retrieved from

Karmali, Sarah. (2012, September 20). Benetton Launches Unemployment Campaign. VOGUE-UK. Retrieved from—youth-unemployment

Woo, Jaeyeon. (2015, January 16). Intern Controversies Highlight South Korea’s Youth Unemployment Woes. Wall Street Journal-Asia. Retrieved from

Morrison, Aaron. (2015, March 08). Black Unemployment Rate 2015: In Better Economy, African-Americans See Minimal Gains. International Business Times. Retrieved from

Recent Graduates. . .

Recent graduates unemployment rate is 7.2% compared to 5.5% in 2007. The underemployment rate, which counts college graduates who are working in jobs that do not require degrees, is 15% compared to 9.6% in 2007. College graduates are earning 2.5% less than their peers. College-educated women earn 15.7% less than men. The unemployment rate for Hispanic and Black college graduates is still twice that of white college graduates 11% vs 5.8%. More than two-thirds of 2015 graduates (67%) said they expected to find a fulltime job; just half of the 2013-14 graduates (52%) said they were employed fulltime. 90% of 2015 graduates expect to find work in their field of study, but only 64% of 2013-14 graduates actually did find jobs in their field of study.

Woodruff, Mandi. (2015, May 27). The Class of 2015 could use a wakeup call. Yahoo Finance. Retrieved from

Fashion Recent Graduates. . .

For college graduates that study fashion the employment rate is projected to decline 3% until 2022. Average pay $73,690 per year, $35.43 per hr. Pay rate starts at $15.99 increase to $62.20 ($129,380 annual). The national estimate employment is 17,840 (6.4%). As of March there were 5.0 million job openings. GREAT NEWS for fashion graduates. Job openings INCREASED in wholesales, art, entertainment, and recreation but decreased in health care and social assistance .

“Occupational Outlook Handbook-Fashion Designer.” BLS.Gov. Bureau of  Labor Statistic, U.S. Department of Labor, 08 January 2014. Web. 27 May 2015. Retrieved from

“New Release: Job Openings And Labor Turnover-March 2015.” BLS.Gov. Bureau of Labor Statistic, U.S. Department of Labor, 12 May 2015. Web. 27 May 2015. Retrieved from

Clarification. . .

Statistics like these are not to let you down. “The most successful job seekers are willing to settle to some degree” Levit says. Which means finding a great paying job in the area you want may mean making sacrifices. Whether it’s moving to a different city or starting on a contract basis and working your way to salaried employed status.

Woodruff, Mandi. (2015, May 27). The Class of 2015 could use a wakeup call. Yahoo Finance. Retrieved from

Recap. . .

During the intro I shared the story of how I received compliments on knowing how to find a job. Here are some secrets to help you while weaving your way into the Fashion Industry, along with things I wish I would’ve known. (Elite fashion industry recruitment company that have contracts with fashion house) (Best Job Aggregator for any field of work)

The links above have been very helpful while job hunting.

Luxury Retail Standard Dress Code. . .

One of my college professors explained that dressing in all black is the dress code for the fashion industry (Prof. Batey). Before and during college I worked in corporate America in a business causal  (white collar shirt with a suit) environment. When a human resource recruiter and a district visual merchandiser visited Prada both wore all black garments.

Being dressed in all black during an interview or job search is highly recommended.

For women – natural make-up, hair pulled back in a ponytail or bun. Only wear small earrings no other jewelry/accessories.

For men haircut or hair pulled back in ponytail. (Tip: No design haircuts. Ex. Mohawks). Only wear a watch no other jewelry/accessories.

Resume. . .

Have an awesome resume, get peers, professors, college career centers, former supervisors to critique the resume BEFORE submitting. It’s impressive to have a cover letter and reference sheet but not necessary with most jobs.

TIP: Create a resume that caters to the occupation you are seeking. Do not apply to American Cancer Society with a resume that only lists retail experience, but if that’s the only experience use it.

Remember if it’s meant for you it will happen. And no need to panic if you cannot find someone to edit you resume. Email it to me, we’re all in this together.

The BEST is yet to come. . .

Before I reveal the best job search fashion industry website.

Research the company that sparks your interest to gather specific information. Find out the history of the company and its turnover rate.

The history and turnover rate will help interested applicants find out if they can grow within the company, this saves time for candidates and employers. Example: A candidate that’s anti-fur would not necessarily interview with Fendi (The #1 fur company in the world). To work for the brand a candidate must believe in the brand’s vision and the brand must believe in the candidates’ vision as well.

Besides, human resource recruiters love when candidates are knowledgeable about the brand. It proves to the recruiter that the candidate is passionate about the brand.

Of course be on time for any interview or deadline. Tip: Never arrive more than 10 minutes early.

Welcome to slCareer, GOODLUCK!

The Fashion Industry best job search websites:







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